Seeing a need for energetic, nonprofit work in the area of teen unemployment and 21st Century skills, Target Evolution was formed in 2011 to provide sensible solutions.
Target Evolution’s methodology puts experiential learning at the center of a data-driven and evidence-based approach to youth entrepreneurship education and development. It includes Lean Startup, Remote-Work Experience, and a Pop-Up Shop providing youth and young adults the opportunity to earn money with their own small business upon successful completion.
The loan proceeds will be used for working capital and marketing/promotion. With national attention and more youths attracted to their programs, Target Evolution will be able to conduct in-depth research and produce data to present to government entities on the impact of youth entrepreneurship education in low-income communities.
Their source of repayment will be from government contracts with Workforce Solutions in 3 Texas regions, tuition from their Teen Biz Camp program, and pending grants and sponsorships.
“I’ve learned so much about business with this program, but also been given the tools to teach other youth about business and entrepreneurship.”
Brice E.
CEO of Vallaire's for Men, Age 13
Nerfertiti M.
CEO of Sugadoo Cosmetics, Age 13
Sanyia S.
CEO of Simone's Stones, Age 14
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