This loan will enable Healing To You to implement their program; it is estimated that they will serve 8,640 children and adults impacted by domestic violence annually. Even though this is a new organization with no financial history, it is backed by the California Governor’s Office and led by Cari Teran, M.S., LMFT, Founding Director and CEO of Healing To You.
Cari Teran is a licensed marriage and family therapist who started her career with survivors of domestic violence as the Children’s Program Coordinator of WomenShelter Long Beach. Cari then implemented Sojourn Services first program of domestic violence emergency response with LAPD Pacific Division and UCLA.
For over 20 years Cari has worked in a clinical capacity as supervisor and program director for community mental health agencies serving children and their families exposed to abuse and trauma. Noticing the gap in access to medical and mental health services in domestic violence shelters, Cari founded Healing To You.